Reflejos del futuro

Reflejos del Futuro is a digital art exhibition that arises from a community creation project exploring the theme of memory and how gender equality has left its mark in Sepúlveda, Spain.

The opera creates a dialogue with the internal structure of the Romanesque church. Upon entering, the public will encounter the three naves whose arches display three stories referencing the town’s past, the present we live in, and a future yet to be written. From the central nave, moving to the right nave, we will find a video in which we take a tour through the streets of Sepúlveda while listening to the experiences of the participants from the Caritas Parochial Residence. Continuing the tour, in the left nave, we will find the video installation created from the drawings made during the workshop with the E.S.O. students from CEO Virgen de la Peña. The wooden cover has been left as is, while the half-columns attached are illuminated to create a dreamlike atmosphere, different from the usual lighting.

The artistic and dramaturgical choice of this tour is to create an intergenerational dialogue with the aim of raising awareness about gender equality by bringing the historical memory of the town closer to young people.

Museum of the Fueros, June 28, 2024.

Read more about the event here.

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